Luka Jeremic,   Milos Radenkovic, PhD

In today's world, electrical energy serves as the foundation of everyday life and industrial growth. With the emergence of modern technologies, traditional power grids have evolved into smart grids, designed to meet the growing demand for efficient and reliable energy sources. This paper explores the evolution of these grids, analyzes the current state of power grid infrastructure, and examines the challenges and opportunities presented by smart grids. In the digital age, where sustainability is key, smart grids play a crucial role in modernizing the energy sector, impacting both technological progress and socio-economic dynamics. A significant part of this modernization is Demand Response (DR), a strategy that enables consumers to adjust their electricity consumption during peak demand periods, offering both economic and environmental benefits.

Keywords: Demand Response, Power System, Smart Grid, Consumption, Control Systems
Published on website: 2024-10-15
Attached files: ljeremic1.pdf