Volume 6 - 2014



Wiktionary is a rich source of linguistic knowledge and an example of a successful application of the crowdsourcing model. Knowledge in Wiktionary is only weakly structured, so in order to enable the use of that knowledge, it is necessary to represent it in a structured form which can be automatically searched and processed. Semantic web structures are especially suitable for this task because of the developed standards for interlinking different semantic web knowledge bases. Basic Wiktionary extraction has already been done as a part of DBpedia project. We present the extraction of detailed grammatical data which is obtained by merging unstructured content contained within different pages of the MediaWiki XML dump file. As an example, we'll process French verb conjugations, which is currently one of the few such examples of sufficient complexity found on Wiktionary. The main problem we will solve is analyzing and parsing a subset of the MediaWiki template system and its control structures. Based on that, we will generate RDF triples which will completely cover all domain data that is currently included in Wiktionary.

Keywords: Crowdsourcing, semantički web, Wiktionary
Published on website: 4.2.2014

Inženjering saobraćaja u MPLS VPN mrežama


Traffic engineering deals with the optimization of work in already installed networks combining different knowledge of the theory of traffic. The aim is to optimally utilize network resources and to improve the quality of services offered. Traffic engineering can be oriented to improve traffic flows and service parameters or to improve utilization of network resources. One of the functions of the label is to provide a mechanism that integrates with the packet in the routing process, and in this way provide "guidance" of packet at a predetermined paths through the network. With further administrative manipulations it is possible to provide manual load distribution in the network and thus the maximum utilization of the available bandwidth in the network (it is possible that some, most attractive parts of the network carry the maximum load, while other parts remain unused).

Keywords: MPLS, VPN, TE-traffic engineering, BGP, OSPF, QoS
Published on website: 9.7.2014

Neural network based classification of bone metastasis by primary carcinoma


Multifractal analysis emerged as an accurate tool for cancer classification, although the process needs complete automation in order to be applied in medical diagnostics. Once multifractal analysis of metastatic carcinoma is done, results are processed and a neural network classification, based on primary carcinoma, is performed. Neural networks are a proven method for data classification, especially when data is not linearly separable. This paper describes an application of neural networks in order to determine primary cancer in case of intraosseous metastatic cancer, as well as the automation of classification process. Goal of this research is to successfully apply multifractal analysis as an auxiliary diagnostic method.

Keywords: класификација, метастазе, мултифрактална анализа, неуралне мреже
Published on website: 12.6.2014

Communication between SCADA applications using ZeroMQ and Protocol Buffers


Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a computercontrolled system for monitoring and control of industrial processes. It consists of various components for the collection and transmission of data and the software that provides monitoring and control from one location. Fast and reliable communication between all the SCADA application and control devices is necessary for reliable operation of the system. This paper briefly describes architecture of SCADA system and the existing problems with communication between SCADA applications. Also, this paper describes improvement of the existing communication mechanism based on RPC (Remote Procedure Call) technology using ZeroMQ and Google Protocol Buffers library. The new solution greatly reduces the complexity and ensures scalability of the entire SCADA system.

Keywords: SCADA, RPC, ZeroMQ, Protocol Buffers, комуникација, дистрибуција догађаја
Published on website: 24.11.2014



As is well known in the world, tendencies in further technological development and development in all industries are developing robots and the artificial intelligence. Given that for years progress in addressing the issues of robots and human awareness of them, the current period is such that it led to the commercialization and the use of some artificial intelligent machines in the human environment. One of the key ideas and application of robots in human lives is the use of robotic vehicles (eng. Driverless cars) or autonomous vehicles (eng. Autonomous cars) in traffic. There is an evident increase in the movement of people means of transport (private vehicles and public transport), thereby increasing the risk of accidents, it takes more resources to the growing number of vehicles, congestion-time lost in traffic, etc. some of the key transport issues today. Are the appearance of the autonomous vehicles can solve some of the above aspects?! What will be the impact of these types of vehicles? There is also the issue of the legal aspects of this law, the key issues: if there is an accident, who to blame; what will be the impact on insurance companies; reduction in the rate of employment, for example: taxi associations; or increase the number of experts in the field of technology. These are just some of the questions that are asked and which run "Pandora's box" of autonomous vehicles on the streets...This work will explain architecture and technology of autonomous cars, progress, legalization and use of autonomous cars.

Keywords: аутономна возила, роботика, вештачка интелигенција, парадигме, сензори, навигација, технологија
Published on website: 13.10.2014

Visual web content annotation with semantic data


Although the technologies of the semantic web have long been at the mature level, the adoption of the semantic web has been slow. For there to be a reason for development of semantic web services there needs to exist a lot of semantic data that those services could use. Creating semantic data by means of automatic extracion and processing of existing data on the web is the first step that is mature enough. Second step is to provide the tools, for regular users who create most of the content on the web, for easy creation of the semantic data. In this paper, we have developed and presented a tool for visual semantic annotation of web pages using microdata format. This tool is a plugin for TinyMCE rich-text editor so it can be used in a variety of content management systems (CMS).

Keywords: semantic web, annotation, tinymce
Published on website: 1.12.2014