
Contrary to the monolithic systems which are aware of their internal structure and component organisation, when considering orchestration in the service-oriented architecture (SOA), there is no knowledge of how services are implemented which makes it rather challenging to form the right foundation for their collaboration. One of the approaches for modelling orchestration in distributed systems is to introduce a middleware which would be responsible not only for gathering the services but also for composing them. Of course, the orchestration itself can be considered either static or dynamic, where the dynamic approach stands for the middleware's ability to change the patterns of composition at run-time based on the given context. The aim of this paper is to analyse model-driven solutions for service composition proposed so far and to set grounds for developing a meta-model that would enable modelling contextaware middleware solutions in SOA.

Keywords: сервисно-оријентисана архитектура, оркестрација сервиса, контекст-зависна оркестрација, моделом- управљан развој сервисних архитектура
Published on website: 19.12.2019
Attached files: AMarkovic.pdf