
In this paper are presented introductory considerations of object oriented realization of Mendel's perceptual computer. The practical side of such realization is that it provides ability to easy develop and test novel elements. Particularly, for this paper is interesting possibility to replace the concept of novel weighted averages with another inference operator. Novel concept of weighted geometric shapes has been presented and empirically compared to novel weighted averages. The well known problem of missile system selection, represented as a hierarchical decision making problem, has been used for comparison. The paper announces novel theoretical basis for validation and comparing the operators.

Keywords: перцептуални рачунар, субјективно одлучивање, рачунање речима, интервални расплинути скупови другог типа, нове пондерисане средине, пондерисани геометријски облици, проблем избора ракетног система.
Published on website: 29.11.2011